Digital Technology Drives Government Transformation
The smart application of Residency and Foreigners Affairs has been keen on harnessing all available resources to provide the best services to citizens and residents on the land of the Republic of Senegal. and complete all their transactions related to residency, naturalization, ports, and violators with full transparency and clarity, in a manner that meets their aspirations and satisfies them. To reach the highest standards in customer service, we have to put its sights on the system of smart service excellence. As part of it we adopt innovative standards based on customer happiness. and keep all our services are provided through smart digital channels, and the customer can get them anytime and anywhere. to transform governments services into %100 smart and accelerate digital transformation efforts, as this transformation has contributed to enhancing the flexibility and ability, will adapt all variables and circumstances and to provide services to unprecedented levels. In addition to the smart application, we hope that the website will contribute to provide effective channels that allow customers to obtain our smart services easily and conveniently, and get acquainted with their opinions and suggestions for developing its services.
Increase and diversify innovative services
Increase the efficiency of executing Key and support operations
Simplify operational processes and procedures and sustain their results
Organizational Capabilities Perspective
Maximize the benefit of the facilities & ensure its sustainability
Increase the reliability on digital technology
Financial Performance Perspective
Increase the efficiency of exploiting financial resources
Ensure the sustainability of cash flow
Rationalize expenses
Smart Immigration System Services
Family book services
Passport Services
Entry Permits Services
Special Visa
Visa on Arrival
Visa Validity check
Residency Services
Borders Control Services
Establishments Support Services
Violation Contro
Complain or Report Incident