Think about public initiatives in new ways
Digitization in the public sector was necessary before COVID19-, but now its non-negotiable. In our society built on technology, governments are expected to provide world-class services while increasing citizen engagement and trust. The public wants government technology solutions to have the same agility and efficiency seen in the private sector—which means current processes require digital transformation. In fact, %75 of government leaders say traditional business models are not sustainable in the current environment.
To meet the public’s expectations
governments aren’t just experimenting with technology. They’ve begun to transform their core strategy and processes. For example, cloud enables digitization of the healthcare and life sciences ecosystems. As a result, these areas can create and support new business models that improve the customer experience. That’s why %78 of healthcare and %85 of life sciences companies are already operating in a multicloud environment today.

So, what’s holding the public sector back?
There are unique challenges to digital transformation programs in the public sector, like longer-than-average approval cycles, less comfort with ambiguous outcomes, and additional levels of confidentiality and data security. And that was before the COVID19- crisis.By This pandemic challenges governments to provide testing, quarantine assistance and contact tracing at scale, while delivering crucial benefits for citizens suddenly at risk of homelessness and food insecurity.
Healthcare providers are experiencing supply chain issues. They also have a new, critical need for secure interagency data sharing.
To respond to these emerging challenges
Technophiles put its full force of industry expertise, problem solvers and technologists to work with the world’s healthcare workers and first responders. We’ve stood shoulder to shoulder building apps that run hospital operations and patient tracking, kept networks running in public safety departments that dispatch ambulances and ensured vaccine research data models are computing accurately and flowing in a security-rich manner to the cloud.
By But we believe that together, we can do more. That’s why Technophiles has brought a new capability to our work with government and healthcare clients.